Get in touch.

Our support team is based in North America & Europe.
We aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

Before contacting us, we recommend you read the Frequently Asked Questions, as your question may already be answered on that page.

My question isn't answered by the FAQ...

To get your enquiry to the correct department for the fastest support, we recommend using our Support Ticket System. Don't worry, you don't need to sign up to use it; however if you do sign up, you'll be able to see all of your previously opened / closed tickets.

Click to contact via Support Ticket: Privex Customer Support System

Click to join our Discord Public Chat: Privex Public Discord

Click to contact via SMS: +1-404S-PRIVEX

Click to contact via Phone Call: +1-404S-PRIVEX

Can I contact Privex by phone or SMS?

YES :) - We have a US phone number +1-404S-PRIVEX (1-404-777-4839), however - only a few of our support agents monitor our phone line, and they aren't always available to take calls.

If you have an urgent issue, you can send an SMS (often known simply as a "text") to our phone number +1-404S-PRIVEX, which will be almost immediately forwarded into our internal private staff chat - notifying everyone on our team to your message.

In most cases, you should instead send us a ticket, and if your issue is URGENT (e.g. your server is offline or has been compromised), send an SMS to +1-404-777-4839 with a message similar to: URGENT: My server is offline! Please see ticket #273982 - I am Dave Johnston

If you send us an SMS from a phone number in a major country such as the USA, Canada, the UK, or most EU countries, then we'll respond ASAP by sending an SMS reply to your phone number, or calling your number from our official Privex number if you've asked us to do so.

If you send us an SMS from a number in a less developed region of the world, for example most African countries, it could cost us upwards of US$10.00 to reply to you via SMS. In cases where it would be cost prohibitive to reply to your SMS, we'll continue the support conversation via another method - for example via a support ticket.

Discord Chat Widget

Below is a chat widget for our Discord Server, which by default, shows our #announcements channel, where we regularly post updates about any network maintenance, any ongoing issues with our systems or networks, along with general updates and promotions.

You may find the answer to your question in our Discord announcements below.

Do you have any encrypted contact methods for sensitive communications?

For secure communication, we have several GPG keys that you can use to encrypt your support emails or ticket messages.
If you want to learn more about GPG, read our article What is GPG / PGP and how do I use it?

Click on the title of the expandable sections below for help with importing GPG keys, and a list of our GPG keys.

All of our GPG keys are published to the default GPG keyserver hkp://
This means that you should be able to import them using --import-keys with the short or long key ID. Make sure to remove any spaces from the key ID.

Example: Importing our Privex Support public key from the default keyserver
gpg --recv-keys 2E833D27B0E01433

If you can't or don't want to use a keyserver, we also publish the public key files in ASCII Armored (.asc) format on our website.

Example: Importing a public key from a .asc (ASCII Armoured) file
gpg --import privex_support_pub.asc

Quick import all keys + fix keyserver problems

Many Linux/BSD/Mac systems are set to use old keyservers which are no longer operational. To save you from having to DuckDuckGo/Google/Bing why recv-keys isn't working, the below commands include an automatic config adjustment that will fix most keyserver issues.

The following commands will (on a Linux/macOS/BSD system):

  1. Ensure your user's /home/YOURNAME/.gnupg folder exists
  2. Add the keyserver hkps:// to your GnuPG config files, plus will automatically create the two config files if they don't already exist.
  3. Downloads and imports the Privex Support key, Kale's key, and Chris's key - from a GPG key server.

Commands (copy: )

mkdir -p ~/.gnupg

# If you've had issues importing GPG keys using --recv-keys in the past, or
# you're new to GPG and haven't checked to see which keyserver GPG is using,
# then you should probably run this command to set as your
# default keyserver (fastest and most reliable as of Jan 2021)
echo "keyserver hkps://" | tee -a ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf | tee -a ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

# Privex Customer Support Shared Key (2021 to 2023)
gpg --recv-keys 288DD1632F6E8951
# Kale S. - Privex CTO
gpg --recv-keys BED8EFF89F1F7520
# Chris / Someguy123 - Privex CEO
gpg --recv-keys DDB36F2B55284433
If GPG seems frozen / hung while running recv-keys, you may be configured to use a broken or slow key server.
You can use --keyserver hkps:// to force GPG to use a specific keyserver during a single command, like so:

Commands (copy: )

# Privex Customer Support Shared Key (2021 to 2023)
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 288DD1632F6E8951
# Kale S. - Privex CTO
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys BED8EFF89F1F7520
# Chris / Someguy123 - Privex CEO
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys DDB36F2B55284433

Privex Support

For general encrypted communication with the Privex support team, use this key. This key is shared with our long term highly trusted employees for reading and responding to all support enquiries.
NOTE: As this key is shared by multiple people, it may occasionally be re-generated when staff members leave or if we believe the key may have been compromised.
For extra security, the key has an expiry time of 2 years and must be regenerated after that.

Fingerprint: 17E8 77C3 5C3E 886A 5232 6C6A 288D D163 2F6E 8951 (17E877C35C3E886A52326C6A288DD1632F6E8951)

Long Key ID: 288D D163 2F6E 8951 (288DD1632F6E8951)

Short Key ID: 2F6E 8951 (2F6E8951)

Expiration Date: 2023-01-19

Direct download (hosted on our site): privex-support-2021-2023.asc

Kale S. (CTO of Privex)

Kale is our Chief Technical Officer, and also handles Tier 3 (advanced) server issues.
For most server issues, we would suggest that you use the Privex Support key. If your server issues require us to handle sensitive information, you may wish to encrypt your support messages directly for Kale.

For the fastest response, we recommend using the standard contact methods, either via the Support Ticket System, or via the support emails at the bottom of this page. Simply state that the ticket is intended for Kale in cleartext, e.g. placing "for the attention of Kale" at the start of the ticket/email body.

If for some reason you must contact Kale directly, email kale [at] privex (dot) io

Fingerprint: 4274 DEF7 4745 3454 CDA6 AED5 BED8 EFF8 9F1F 7520 (4274DEF747453454CDA6AED5BED8EFF89F1F7520)

Long Key ID: BED8 EFF8 9F1F 7520 (BED8EFF89F1F7520)

Short Key ID: 9F1F 7520 (9F1F7520)

Direct download (hosted on our site): kale-privex-2019.asc

Chris S. (CEO of Privex)

Use the CEO's key for extremely sensitive matters, such as disclosures or concerns relating to a Privex employee. To contact Chris directly, email chris [at] privex (dot) io

If Kale is unavailable, Chris is also able to handle highly sensitive Tier 3 server issues. As previously mentioned, please send server issues via our normal support methods, with a cleartext notice to inform support staff to assign it to him e.g. "for the attention of Chris".

Fingerprint: A4A1 0213 ECA1 B50E 32E6 9180 DDB3 6F2B 5528 4433 (A4A10213ECA1B50E32E69180DDB36F2B55284433)

Long Key ID: DDB3 6F2B 5528 4433 (DDB36F2B55284433)

Short Key ID: 5528 4433 (55284433)

Direct download (hosted on our site): chris-someguy123-privex-2017.asc

I can't use the support ticket system, can I just email Privex?

If you'd prefer to contact us via email, you're free to do so, our department emails are listed below.

However, we strongly recommend using the support ticket website. Messages sent through the website often receive a response faster than emailed tickets. This is because they automatically get assigned the correct priority, the correct department, and there's no risk of your message being lost in a spam filter unlike email.

If your question isn't answered by our Frequently Asked Questions, we recommend that you send a ticket via our Support Ticket System

Enquiries sent to us via email instead of through our ticket website may have slower response times, and run the risk of being blocked by spam filters.

Our contact emails

General Enquiries 

Not sure which department you need?

Use this email and one of our agents will send it to the correct department.

If you require a fast response, we recommend that you try to send it to the correct department instead, as this email has the lowest priority on our support system.


Have a question about our servers? Need a custom package?

Our sales team will help you out.


This email should only be used by existing Privex customers.

If you have a problem with your bill, or need to change your billing cycle, contact our billing team.

Server Support (Our Techs) 

If you're a Privex customer and something is wrong with your server, use this email to reach our technicians.

If your issue is urgent (e.g. a critical server is offline), use the Support Ticket System!
Tickets sent from the website using the help topic "My server is offline!" will be marked as "Emergency" for a rapid response.


If one of our customers is hosting illegal content, or causing disruptive activity (DDoS, Spam), use our abuse email.

To avoid the risk of your email ending up in spam, use the Support Ticket System.

NOTICE: Abuse emails are automatically marked as "Emergency", please do not misuse our abuse email or your email address(es) will be blocked.

If your question isn't answered by our Frequently Asked Questions, we recommend that you send a ticket via our Support Ticket System

Enquiries sent to us via email instead of through our ticket website may have slower response times, and run the risk of being blocked by spam filters.